The Secret Garden (2014)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs of the Black Forest (2015)*
Little Shop of Horrors (2015)
Little Red Robin Hood (2016)*
Mary Poppins (2016)
Gooney Bird Greene and Her True Life Adventures (2017)*
Deadwood Dick (2017)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs of the Black Forest (2015)*
Little Shop of Horrors (2015)
Little Red Robin Hood (2016)*
Mary Poppins (2016)
Gooney Bird Greene and Her True Life Adventures (2017)*
Deadwood Dick (2017)
* denotes a children's theater production.
Since launching in 1974, St. James Community Theater has staged an adult production nearly every year. St. James Children's Theater presented its first play in 1990. And in the summers of 1978 and 2006, our community theater program offered two adult productions.